
Play this new winter festive gamemode, custom coded for the well-known influencer and streamer known as TommyInnit! Fight your opponents by lunging snowballs at them and collecting powerups!

How to Play Guide

  1. Open your Minecraft Launcher

  2. Choose 1.16.5 Minecraft (Vanilla) from the Installations Section of the Launcher

  3. Click Multiplayer once your Minecraft has loaded!

  4. Type plixel.net as the Server Address!


Director - MegasBytes

Developer - Cubxity

Builders - Berryeyu & x3mG3m

Server Hosting - IceVM

DDoS Protection - TCPShield


Published by Plixel on June 7, 2021

Created for TommyInnit distributed by Plixel.

*Subject to change