Have you ever wanted to play Monopoly but in Minecraft? Try out the all new Monopoly Map made for 2 players! This action thrilling map sours high as you adventure your way through the board, exploring and playing through structures and buildings from famous PopularMMOs Series!
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How to Play Guide
Purchase this map for FREE by clicking Here!
Download the .zip File provided after the Purchase.
Locate to C:/Users/[CURRENT USER]/Downloads/ and extract the newly downloaded .zip File.
Choose 1.16.5 Minecraft (Vanilla) from the Installations Section of the Launcher
Choose the Extracted Folder as the Directory Location when creating the Installation
Under JVM Arguments change -Xmx2G to -Xmx[Number of GB]G which will allow you to dedicate more Memory / Ram to Minecraft! (Allowing it to run smoother with modiciations.)
Inside the downloaded folder stated "Server", run the Start.bat file found in the extracted directory.
Type localhost as the Server Address!
Developer - Berryeyu
Builder - Berryeyu
Created for PopularMMOs distributed by CRANBERRY CREATIVES.
*Subject to change