
Have you ever wanted to blow up structures in Minecraft as a competition?! Well now you can! Join a Friend and Launch into this Custom Modded Map.

Take a walk throughout multiple custom built rooms in this epic simulator type map!

How to Play Guide

  1. Purchase this map for FREE by clicking Here!

  2. Download the .zip File provided after the Purchase.

  3. Locate to C:/Users/[CURRENT USER]/Downloads/ and extract the newly downloaded .zip File.

  4. Choose 1.12.2 Minecraft (Forge from the Installations Section of the Launcher

  5. Choose the Extracted Folder as the Directory Location when creating the Installation

  6. Under JVM Arguments change -Xmx2G to -Xmx[Number of GB]G which will allow you to dedicate more Memory / Ram to Minecraft! (Allowing it to run smoother with modiciations.)


Developer - Lubcubs

Builder - Berryeyu


Published by PopularMMOs on Oct 15, 2019

Created for PopularMMOs distributed by Lubcubs.

*Subject to change